Do You Believe?
I read in one of the blogs here about someone who had a Life Changing Event that happened while he was a young man. He made a great analogy of how we believe things. He tells us before his event, he had always believed in God even went to church every Sunday. He lived a comfortable life. He compared the way he believed to driving and sitting at a red light.
He was like most other people while driving either talking on his cell phone or jamming on his radio. While sitting at the light like any other light, he believed the red light would eventually turn green. While he was jamming or talking, the light turned green. He continued on his journey to his destination. He went on to say, I did believe the light would turn green and it did, but when it did and I continued down the road, I realized even though I believed, it had no impact on my life. There are a lot of things we believe in that have no direct impact on our lives like that red light.
When we believe in God, and everything He has done for us including providing for us a King, it better have an impact on our lives. We have a King ruling His kingdom that makes us a people of Gods own possession. Do you believe?
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